Section 1: Authority and Responsibility: The CLC Certification Commission (CLCC) shall have authority over the establishment and refinement of all essential certification decisions, which include certification eligibility requirements, recertification requirements, disciplinary determinations related to certification, examination development, examination administration, examination scoring, and selection of subject matter experts. The CLCC has final decision-making authority over the complete examination development cycle, which includes practice analysis (i.e., job analysis or role delineation), exam content outline, item writing, item review, development of exam forms, standard setting (i.e., cut score study), exam administration, exam scoring, candidate score reporting, and data analysis and exam technical reports. The CLCC shall maintain authority over its credentialing criteria; policies and procedures; administration, time, place, and frequency of its meetings; election of officers and members; and all other lawful activities. The CLCC shall have no role in developing exam review materials, creating educational resources, or conducting educational programs that may be used by candidates pursuing successful completion of the certification program. Information related to policies governing the CLCC can be found in the CLCC Policies.
Section 2. Composition: The CLCC will be comprised of a Chairperson, a Chairperson-elect, the Immediate Past Chairperson, a minimum of five at-large Commissioners appointed by the Chairperson, one pubic member appointed by the Chairperson, and one non- voting representative of the Board of Directors as designated by the Board of Directors President. Election and appointment procedures are set forth in the CLCC Policies.